Tuesday, March 7, 2023

White Horse and the Girl: A Tale of Friendship


A white horse and girl, together they roam

Through fields of gold, and valleys unknown

The horse's mane, like a snowy cascade,

A beauty unmatched, by any parade

The girl and the horse, a bond so true,

A love that only they could pursue

With gentle strokes, the girl whispers sweet

And the horse responds, with a soft retreat

They gallop freely, through the rolling hills Their hearts in sync, with every thrill The wind in their hair, a feeling divine, Together they race, in perfect time

The girl and the horse, a sight to behold, A tale of friendship, that will never grow old Through trials and triumphs, they stand as one Their love and devotion, forever spun

A girl and a white horse, a story so pure, A bond unbreakable, and love so sure May they ride on, through life's winding course, Forever united, the girl and her white horse.

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