Friday, March 4, 2016

Horse Behavior: Halter Breaking a Foal

After viewing the video, you should identify pressure on the lead by the handler as a very simple and basic cue. The handler is asking the horse to give to pressure and follow his nose with a step to the side. The handler rewards the slightest bit of try on the foals part by releasing the lead pressure. If the foal refuses to give, the handler reinforces the initial cue by keeping pressure on the lead until the foal gives in to the pressure. Finally, once the horse has softened up and is responsive to the handler, he is rewarded by a gentle rub on the neck and a relaxed lead.

For more information go to My Horse University at:

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Pony (almost) dies during training

;) Indy and I are currently training to lay flat on the side and "play dead", which is a very vulnerable place for the horse to be in. But after a lot of patient he finally have the trust to do it calmly.

Halter Breaking the Foal, by Dr. Robert Beecher, DVM (2)

Day 1, POA Filly

2006 Pony of The Americas (POA): Two-Eyed Bandit

Two-Eyed Bandit is a 2006 Pony of the Americas (POA) and is in training with Claire McNulty, 2015 NAJYRC Gold and Silver Medalist and USDF Silver Medalist.

Shetland Pony Charly - The Start of Liberty Training

Dragging Timber with a Miniature Horse

The other day we turned our camp's mini horse, Big Lizzy, into a draft. She's a hoss. A little hoss, but a hoss nonetheless.

Rocket's First Day Here - Unhandled Mini Horse Weanling

Meet Rocket! He is a mini horse weanling who was rescued as a newborn along with his dam by a friend, and is here to learn the good manners all ponies should know, so he can find a wonderful home.