Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Trick and Liberty Training with Oreo

This is a little bit of our liberty and trick training session for today. Oreo is turning into such a strong horse, i absolutely love how proudly he carries him self! I just love playing with him, he is so engaging and loves to please, he's a wonder pony :)

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Speed Draw: Shetland Pony *Sketching Realisticly attempt*


In this Video, I attempt to draw a Shetland pony! I'm not quite sure if I got the likeness right, though...


I do not own the audio in this video. All audio goes to the rightful owners.

Get Outside! ~ Jason Farmham

CareFree ~ KevinMacLeod


Subscribe for chocolate!










Logging out,


Smart Alec Mini Horse

Features 13yr old Miniature Horse stallion, Saber, with guest star Remus the cat.

You'll want to have speakers on for this one.

Shetland Pony in about 2' of Snow

Our 10 yr old Shetland Pony, Midge playing in the deep snow.

Horses reaction to first ever irrigation water

First experience for our horses having irrigation water in their pasture. I am so surprised they rolled in it as they don't normally like to go near water on the ground! I guess it has been some hot weather. LOL, they are sure enjoying it.

I am so glad I have this video. The gray Arab and the chestnut Quarter Horse with the blaze face have since passed away.




Galloping Shetland ponies